A cake stand turned nail polish holder. And in case you were wondering, they are not ALL mine…some are my moms.

Another concert to see Yacht Rock Revue with some of my friends. I didn’t think this show could top the first time that I saw them, but then Elliot Lurie of Looking Glass came out and sang “Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl)” and it became epic. They have another show here in October and I will definitely be there. I’m okay with becoming a groupie, btw.

Trips in and out of this glorious city. This past weekend I visited my friend Vicki, who is living in Massachusetts this summer. We explored the cute town of North Hampton and shared lots of girl talk and laughs.
A trip to Lamacland and a canoe trip on the Delaware River with our friends. I caught this fish and got my first sunburn of the summer.
Obviously, it’s been nice to do non-wedding activities and get out of the house, especially when the sun is shining. The ‘Back to School’ section was already on display at Target and it reminded me that the summer is flying by. So, now I’m just trying to enjoy every minute of it before I’m back in the classroom! Even though the DIY list is somehow getting longer, I know I need to make the most of this summer (the last of my 20s and single life). How on earth did that happen so fast?