wedding invites in progress


paperpunchesThis is just a little sneak peak of our wedding invites. We’re going to be DIYing as much as we can for our wedding weekend, including designing and printing the invites.  When we started to plan last August, I was really only interested in the many craft projects I could tackle (and thrifting for decorations, too).  It’s been nice to take time away from my schedule to focus on creating the invites and crafting. I even broke out my Crop-a-Dile to use! So even if my eyes start blurring from looking at fonts for hours upon hours in Photoshop, it is all worth it! I feel motivated to craft more and share what I make in this space– which is always a good thing. I will be happy when they are finished and in the mail!

The only negative thing about a DIY wedding is…

diywedding the ever-growing piles.

(Like how Jams made an appearance in this post? He’s such a ham.)