Category Archives: Project Life

project life 2013: choose

Welcome 2013! I know I will always cherish this year. It’s the year Karl and I will be getting married, the year I will graduate from Columbia and the year that welcomes the first book club baby! So many exciting events on the horizon and who knows what else this year will bring. This year I will be documenting my weeks with Project Life for the first time. Between grad school, teaching second graders and planning a wedding, it is hard to do this weekly…so I am going to do the best I can. This year I also decided to participate in Ali Edward’s One Little Word Project. I even asked my second graders to pick a word that would inspire them for the year. I was amazed at how well they enjoyed this concept. For myself, I decided that choose would be the best word for 2013. This year will bring on lots of adventures, changes, decisions, tears, conversations, smiles, next-steps, etc.,

and I choose to be open to them.