Category Archives: Random Musings

all wrapped up!

I love getting home from school and being able to relax. I enjoy being able to sit for a little bit without the sound of a second grader saying “Ms. B!!!!” (It gets very annoying). It’s also a time to catch up on some TV (my programs, as my Grandma would say!) I don’t really watch much, but there’s a handful of shows that are on my “must-see” list. Alright, I admit it. Some are reality TV shows (mostly Bravo shows-Housewives, Top Chef, etc.). I usually try to get home from school and catch up on my reality shows before you know who comes home. He’s not much of a fan. After moving into our new apartment, we decided that we would not be getting cable-to save a little bit of money. I’m ever so grateful for Hulu and Netflix! Anyway, while I’m watching ‘my programs’, I like to make use of my time. Sometimes I do some embroidery/felt work, knitting…but what I love to do most of all is to make yarn-wrapped wreaths. It’s a mouthful, I know. The first one I ever made was an X-Mas wreath for KPA’s mom! (hi Patty!) It is tedious work, but the outcome is worth it!

I also made one for our apartment…The picture I took is not so great, but you can see the idea…

There are some really awesome wreaths out there. I hope that now that I have two under my belt, I can start fancying them up a bit! Here’s a little collection that I found online.

Sources: 1. knock.knocking 2. itzfitz 3. constant gatherer

And speaking of awesome creations…Check out these felt creations by Milkfly that I found on ETSY. I was amazed when I saw them. It makes me really want a lollipop! I think I will be giving this a try!

waitin’ on you!

My name is Emilee…also known as EB, Em, or Beelime (my name backwards).

I have been a blog follower for well over a year now. My bookmarks are filled with blog’s that I have found such inspiration from! I’ve been talking about starting my own blog for a while…and thankfully my boyfriend (KPA) took the plunge for me when he bought the domain names!! Being that it was such a thoughtful gift, I was left with no choice but to stop talking about it and starting doing it!

I am a second grade teacher living in Brooklyn, New York and I have been creating various things since I can remember. I hope to use this space to be expressive, share my ideas, creations and all the adventures along the way!