Category Archives: Sew Good

did I create anything today?


In this household we ask ourselves this question on a daily basis. Today, I found my inspiration from a song “Home” by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros! I love this song and KPA has been playing it non-stop. And of course, my favorite line is the one featured in this project!

To get started, the first thing I did was to create a photoshop image with various fonts:

Then I transferred the image onto beige linen and began embroidering! I tried to do a few different stitches, but since I designed this with some challenging fonts, it didn’t quite come out like I planned. I will do a little re-design for the next one! Here’s the finished product on our wall!

it’s true! (insert “AWW” here)

dressing up for St. Patty’s Day!

First, Happy Belated birthday to my MOM!!! sorry you did not get your own fancy post, but my mind has been elsewhere!! I will make a special post just for you!!

And second, Happy Belated St. Patty’s Day! Sláinte!

So, here’s the dress up part of this post…I originally started to make this project for KPA. He wasn’t home for me to take proper measurements so I was just eyeballing it as I carried on. I wanted to make a bow-tie after I read this post, over at MADE. So, I started to make it- not really paying close attention to how long it was going to be. I was just concerned with the bow-tie part. Once the pattern was cut, this was a really simple thing to sew up! I was done in no time. Then after watching several YouTube videos, I came across this one. (If you ever want to learn to tie a bow-tie, this is the one to watch.) After a few tries, I finally got it, and I realized it was never going to fit KPA. Luckily, it was the perfect size for another mister in my life, Jams. He really didn’t mind it on his neck. He wore it around for about 15 minutes. Snapping a picture was the tough part. But don’t worry, he was rewarded for his cooperation! Thanks Jams!


so lucky.

When I went to visit my brother last month, my sister-in-law gave me an exciting project to make some banners for the holidays to hang in her kitchen! I love banners and having things to make for other people makes me happy! So this is what I came up with for St. Patrick’s Day.

It’s in the mail MB! Hope you like it! Love you!

all wrapped up!

I love getting home from school and being able to relax. I enjoy being able to sit for a little bit without the sound of a second grader saying “Ms. B!!!!” (It gets very annoying). It’s also a time to catch up on some TV (my programs, as my Grandma would say!) I don’t really watch much, but there’s a handful of shows that are on my “must-see” list. Alright, I admit it. Some are reality TV shows (mostly Bravo shows-Housewives, Top Chef, etc.). I usually try to get home from school and catch up on my reality shows before you know who comes home. He’s not much of a fan. After moving into our new apartment, we decided that we would not be getting cable-to save a little bit of money. I’m ever so grateful for Hulu and Netflix! Anyway, while I’m watching ‘my programs’, I like to make use of my time. Sometimes I do some embroidery/felt work, knitting…but what I love to do most of all is to make yarn-wrapped wreaths. It’s a mouthful, I know. The first one I ever made was an X-Mas wreath for KPA’s mom! (hi Patty!) It is tedious work, but the outcome is worth it!

I also made one for our apartment…The picture I took is not so great, but you can see the idea…

There are some really awesome wreaths out there. I hope that now that I have two under my belt, I can start fancying them up a bit! Here’s a little collection that I found online.

Sources: 1. knock.knocking 2. itzfitz 3. constant gatherer

And speaking of awesome creations…Check out these felt creations by Milkfly that I found on ETSY. I was amazed when I saw them. It makes me really want a lollipop! I think I will be giving this a try!