Colorful benches! Hmm..Maybe someday I will have a backyard with some colorful benches!!
maybe nyc can replace their park benches with this one?
Elastic. This could be dangerous.
an island oasis. I bet Jams would love this.
Category Archives: Things I Love
diamonds on the soles of her shoes.
Karl has this theory that every girl on the planet loves Paul Simon’s Graceland album. So when I thought about the name for this post about shoes, I thought of him. I like Paul Simon. And yes, I am a girl. But I’m sure not every girl on the planet feels the same. (As a matter of fact, please leave a comment if you are a girl and you hate this album, so I can prove him wrong) Thanks!
Anyway, let’s get on to what this post is about. Shoes. I like shoes. It’s not a secret. This is something I definitely inherited from my mother. This might be embarrassing for the whole world to see, but I’m going to post it anyway. Sorry, Ma. Here’s a line-up of some of my mom’s shoes. More specifically, her Birkenstock collection. (I lined them up a few years ago and took a picture on my cell-phone-so please excuse the poor quality..but you’ll get the point.) Now before you see this, I don’t want you to think poorly about my mom; she’s had most of these for many, many years. She rarely goes shopping for herself, but she has a weakness for shoes. Brace yourself…Crazy, right? I guess to be fair, we do wear the same size shoe, so some of these may be mine. Here’s a little peak at my closet.
Most of the shoes that are on my wishlist are very much out of my price range right now. It’s either paying for Columbia or having nice shoes? Hmmmm, the former is winning. So here are some of my favorite designers/shoes at the moment… SwedishHasbeens.
John Fluevog
If you browse the websites you will see, I have expensive taste. For now, I will have to be satisfied with admiring them from afar. Well, I think I’ve spent enough time talking about shoes for one post. If you would like to contribute to my shoe fund, donations are gladly accepted. =)
**Updated: While I was writing this post, I just had to blast Graceland. Just for you, Karl.
a new box of crayons
Holland Tulips via Lemmemakeit. I didn’t believe this was real at first! But it is! I’d love to be the one to color-code all those flowers into their baskets! I will now have to visit Holland during Tulip season to see for myself.
It kinda reminds me of this: Don’t worry, warm weather is just around the corner!
A post about fonts. Alright, I will admit that I am absolutely obsessed with fonts. I’m constantly downloading new fonts. It’s an addiction, really. But it just adds to the countless folders we have on our computer! Not to mention, the files are a disaster. I’ve been advised by KPA to organize them more than once. We have different log-in names on our MAC for a reason. He likes his desktop neat and orderly and mine is usually covered with photos and ideas just waiting to be filed (I’m thinking spring break will be a good time to do some spring cleaning). Anyway, after seeing this post over at “Just Make Stuff” a while back, I wanted to make my own collection of my favorite fonts (at least present day favorites). Most of them have been downloaded from Fontspace, Dafont and Urban Fonts.
Obviously, I have a lot of favorites. And speaking of awesome, I also found this nifty little tool you can download for your web browser. It’s a “WhatFont Bookmarklet”
After you download it, you can scroll over any font on the web to see what is being used! It definitely was a fun procrastination from doing work last night!
What’s your favorite font?
dork alert
I got my package from Perpetual Kid today! It’s a fun website with funny products, especially for dorks like me. When I saw these stamps, I knew they would be fun to use!
Notice how all my “dislikes” are about school? Hmm, something to think about.
I could just hear my brother making fun of me at this very moment. You’re just jealous, RSB! Time to start saving-no more impulse purchases for this gal!