not like I actually went anywhere, but it seems like I’ve been gone from the blogging world “for like ever“. I had high hopes for Easter Break but most of those hopes turned into epic fails. I will make sure to do a recap of my break, but for now, let’s rewind the clock and celebrate EASTER! (Again!)
Here’s a little peak at some of our Easter decorations. I made a Paint Chip Easter Garland to hang up in our kitchen. I couldn’t get a great shot of the one I made due to lighting issues, but here’s the inspiration…
This was love at first sight! Modern Parents Messy Kids has some great ideas for Holiday crafts and such. As soon as I saw the idea, I made KPA stop at Home Depot and steal pick-up some paint chips. Anyway, here’s a little look at our kitchen table…
Any holiday is an excuse for me to play dress-up. No, not for me…I tried to dress up Jams as a bunny. This was an epic failure. The ears were cute. But, he did not approve. There’s only so much I could do for a picture, and he just wasn’t having it. I know he looks miserable in this picture. Let’s not judge. He is well taken care of, so please do not run and call Animal Safety on me! K, Thanks! =)
Last year I made PEEP Easter cards inspired by an adorable peep bunting. So this year, I decided to keep the PEEP theme, but change it up a bit. It was KPA’s idea, so I can’t take all the credit. But I did draw and color each one in! It’s too bad he thought of the idea too late for me to make/sell them in time for Easter.
And last but not least is a project coming all the way from Edinboro, PA! My brother has turned into quite the handy man ever since he met my sister-in-law. Because, let’s face it…without her, he wouldn’t have any of these great ideas! (hehe) Just kidding! Anyway, he created this adorable wooden bunny for their Easter table. Maybe one of these days, he will start selling his work. But for now, I’ll just enjoy featuring them here…
Obviously the craftiness just runs in the family!
So there’s the recap of what Easter was like around this place…hope you enjoyed yours!