I didn’t think I would make it to this vacation, but it’s finally here! I’m looking forward to rejuvenating and catching up on some things I have neglected over the past month or so. I have lots of projects planned and a little spring cleaning too! I’m even excited at the thought of sleeping later than 6:00am!
the other EB is three!
a new box of crayons
Holland Tulips via Lemmemakeit. I didn’t believe this was real at first! But it is! I’d love to be the one to color-code all those flowers into their baskets! I will now have to visit Holland during Tulip season to see for myself.
It kinda reminds me of this: Don’t worry, warm weather is just around the corner!
A post about fonts. Alright, I will admit that I am absolutely obsessed with fonts. I’m constantly downloading new fonts. It’s an addiction, really. But it just adds to the countless folders we have on our computer! Not to mention, the files are a disaster. I’ve been advised by KPA to organize them more than once. We have different log-in names on our MAC for a reason. He likes his desktop neat and orderly and mine is usually covered with photos and ideas just waiting to be filed (I’m thinking spring break will be a good time to do some spring cleaning). Anyway, after seeing this post over at “Just Make Stuff” a while back, I wanted to make my own collection of my favorite fonts (at least present day favorites). Most of them have been downloaded from Fontspace, Dafont and Urban Fonts.
Obviously, I have a lot of favorites. And speaking of awesome, I also found this nifty little tool you can download for your web browser. It’s a “WhatFont Bookmarklet”
After you download it, you can scroll over any font on the web to see what is being used! It definitely was a fun procrastination from doing work last night!
What’s your favorite font?
play ball!
My dad has been the president of a youth baseball league for my most of my life. It’s across the street from where my parents live, so I spent majority of my younger days running around there! All three of us played ball when we were little, so we’ve have a lot of memories there. My dad always jokes that he’s going to set up a tent on the outfield for KPA and I when we get married right on home plate. (It’s not going to happen that way, Dad-sorry!) Anyway, my Dad asked me to make him some bean bags for the little t-ball players!
I was more than happy to start this project. I had some thick red canvas on hand and I knew they would be perfect for the bags. First thing I did was I embroidered “baseball stitches” on white linen to get the look of an actual baseball.
After I embroidered the 4 circles I cut them out. The embroidery hoop left an impression on the linen, so it was quite easy to cut out a circle. Then I cut the red fabric into 6 by 6 inch pieces.
I used some Fray Check on the embroidery so it would be able to withstand the wear and tear of being thrown around by five year old kids (hopefully this helps). Then I sewed them onto the red canvas.
Then all I needed to do was sew up the squares! And tada!
Most bean bags last well when you put in gravel (for a fish tank), but these need to be extra kid-friendly, so I’m going to add some rice in the inside and sew up the rest! {They could use a good ironing, too!} I’m happy with how they came out. I’m sure the little guys will not even care about how cute they are, but at least I know! Hope you enjoy, DAD!