what do you want, a medal?

Yes. Yes, we do. Ok, we really don’t need a medal per se, but this year for Teacher Appreciation Day, I decided to make some ribbon badges for the wonderful teachers on my grade. Now, I can’t tell you what “SMA” stands for…it’s a secret. When I win the lottery and no longer have to work, then I will be able to tell you. But for now, you can just use your imagination.

This is a fun craft that you can make for any occasion. Once you get the hang of it, they are easy to make! So if you want to try these on your own, here’s what you’ll need: a glue gun, pin backings, some wooden discs and ribbon! If you have a sewing machine it will be useful for this project! I found it helps if you make ruffles in the ribbon before you start gluing the ribbon onto the wooden disc! (You can also hand sew the ruffles too.)  I used 2 inch satin ribbon that I got at the Paper Source. This little DIY can even be done with recycled cardboard instead of the wooden discs. And in case you are like me and you forget to buy some pin backings, you can just use a safety pin; they will serve the same purpose.

I love making crafts that make people smile! I can’t wait to make some more.

And next time someone says sarcastically, “What do you want, a medal?” I may just have one waiting in my bag.